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Psychometric Assessment

Career assessments help individuals to understand themselves by assessing their psychological and behavioural traits and recommend suitable career paths based on their profile. What makes this solution unique and highly reliable is its strong research basis, alignment to career standards worldwide, and recommendations based on matching of profiles with actual occupational data collected from professionals across industries.

What You Get?

  1. Insight into your behavioural and professional profile
  2. Career clusters and fitment with each career
  3. Customised recommendation for skill development
  4. One 50 minute session with Career Guidance Expert

Choose Your Psychometric Assessment:

  1. Career Energize Assessment –
  2. Career Competency Assessment –

Register Here

Psychometric Assessment
Career Development
Career Development

According to LinkedIn’s third Workforce Confidence Index that covered 2,323 respondents, 63% of Indian professionals have increased their time spent on online learning and the top three reasons include — industry knowledge, career advancement and communication. It is no longer sufficient to depend only on one’s work-experience to be highly skilled and competent in one’s role or job. Career development is aimed to help both, now and in the future to stay ahead of the curve. Further, the near cataclysmic downsizing in Covid19 has resulted in many professionals being pushed to enrol in self-development to either survive the downsizing or to re-skill themselves for roles outside their comfort zones to ensure they remain relevant and employable in the specific domains that organisations are investing in.

Our Career Development Mentoring Sessions will assist you in drawing your own career path by providing knowledge of your skills and capabilities, working together with your Career Coach and building a customised learning curve for yourself describing the roadmap and planning ahead for the challenges.

What You Get?

  1. Two sessions of 50 minutes each
  2. Psychometric Assessment – Summary and Detailed Report
  3. Skill Development Chart

Book Your Counseling Session

Career Development
Career Transition

Whether you are a mother on a long break or a bored professional, you don’t need to live in disappointment of doing things that you don’t love. It is never too late! Invest in yourself and identify your skills that resonate with your passion. It shows how passionate you are and also boosts the professional development section of your resume. Take professional help to mentor you in the right direction to meet the many challenges, and build a strong online identity. Quality mentoring greatly enhances chances for success while working on a new career and building confidence, which makes positioning yourself possible!

Our Career Transition Coaching Sessions will help you rekindle your passion, provide realistic perspective and list multiple opportunities for you to explore in the field of your choice. We have observed that people sometimes fail to interpret their passion and focus on only one thing which may fail for multiple reasons. We ensure that you don’t get disappointed again. We ensure that you don’t leave mid-way. We are going to be with you till the end on your new career journey until you reach your safe space!

What You Get?

  1. Five sessions of 50 minutes each spread across a year
  2. Psychometric Assessment – Summary and Detailed Report
  3. Skill Development Chart
  4. Short-Term and Long-Term RoadMap

Book Your Counseling Session

Career Transition